

Publications scientifiques les plus récentes issues de collaborations avec PRISME


Heerema, R. (2023). A computational account of how affective states influence economic decisions [These de doctorat, Sorbonne université].


Heerema, R., Carrillo, P., Daunizeau, J., Vinckier, F., & Pessiglione, M. (2023). Mood fluctuations shift cost–benefit tradeoffs in economic decisions. Scientific Reports13(1), 18173.


Lakhlifi, C., Lejeune, F.-X., Rouault, M., Khamassi, M., & Rohaut, B. (2023). Illusion of knowledge in statistics among clinicians: evaluating the alignment between objective accuracy and subjective confidence, an online survey. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications8(1), 23.


Lopez-Persem, A., Moreno-Rodriguez, S., Ovando-Tellez, M., Bieth, T., Guiet, S., Brochard, J., & Volle, E. (2023). How subjective idea valuation energizes and guides creative idea generation. American Psychologist


Munuera, J., Agost, M. R., Bendetowicz, D., Kerebel, A., Chambon, V., & Lau, B. (2023). Intrinsic motivation for choice varies with individual risk attitudes and the controllability of the environment. PLOS Computational Biology19(8), e1010551.


Vantrepotte, Q., Chambon, V., & Berberian, B. (2023). The reliability of assistance systems modulates the sense of control and acceptability of human operators. Scientific Reports13(1), 14410.


Heerema, Roeland. (2023, February 9). A computational account of how affective states influence economic decisions (PhD defense) [Video recording].


Beaumont, S. (2022). Metalearning under uncertainty [Phdthesis,
Sorbonne Université].
Berthet, V., Autissier, D., & de Gardelle, V. (2022). Individual differences in decision-making: A test of a one-factor model of rationality. Personality and Individual Differences189, 111485.


Bieth, T. (2022). Mécanismes neurocognitifs permettant et facilitant la résolution de problèmes créatifs [Phdthesis, Sorbonne Université].


Facque, V., Wiehler, A., Volle, E., Mandonnet, E., & Pessiglione, M. (2022). Present bias in economic choice demonstrates increased cognitive fatigability of glioma patients. Cortex151, 281–293.


Le Bouc, R., & Pessiglione, M. (2022). A neuro-computational account of procrastination behavior. Nature Communications13(1), 5639.


Tanguy, D., Batrancourt, B., Estudillo-Romero, A., Baxter, J. S. H., Le Ber, I., Bouzigues, A., Godefroy, V., Funkiewiez, A., Chamayou, C., Volle, E., Saracino, D., Rametti-Lacroux, A., Morandi, X., Jannin, P., Levy, R., & Migliaccio, R. (2022). An ecological approach to identify distinct neural correlates of disinhibition in frontotemporal dementia. NeuroImage: Clinical35, 103079.


Vantrepotte, Q., Berberian, B., Pagliari, M., & Chambon, V. (2022). Leveraging human agency to improve confidence and acceptability in human-machine interactions. Cognition222, 105020.


Batrancourt, B., Marin, F., Peltier, C., Lejeune, F.-X., Tanguy, D., Godefroy, V., Sezer, I., Boucly, M., Bendetowicz, D., Carle, G., Rametti-Lacroux, A., Migliaccio, R., & Levy, R. (2022, May 18). A Distance–Based Classification Method to Assess Frontal Behavior from Human Behavioral Sensing.


Benzina, N., N’Diaye, K., Pelissolo, A., Mallet, L., & Burguière, E. (2021). A cross-species assessment of behavioral flexibility in compulsive disorders. Communications Biology4(1), 1–12.


Berthet, V. (2021). The Measurement of Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases: A Review and Improvement. Frontiers in Psychology12


Bieth, T., Kenett, Y., Ovando-Tellez, M., Lopez-Persem, A., Lacaux, C., Oudiette, D., & Volle, E. (2021). Dynamic changes in semantic memory structure support successful problem-solving. PsyArXiv.


Lee, D. G., & Daunizeau, J. (2021). Trading mental effort for confidence in the metacognitive control of value-based decision-making. ELife10, e63282.


Tanguy, D. (2021). Assessing disinhibition behaviour in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia patients using ecological, cognitive and anatomical tasks. In Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the joint 12th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research and 6th Seminar on Behavioral Methods to be held in Krakow, Poland, October 15-18, 2021.


Guesdon, A., Lejeune, F.-X., Rotgé, J.-Y., George, N., & Fossati, P. (2020). Mind-Wandering Changes in Dysphoria. Frontiers in Psychiatry11
Hu, C., Domenech, P., & Pessiglione, M. (2020). Order matters: How covert value updating during sequential option sampling shapes economic preference. PLOS Computational Biology16(8), e1007920.


Lee, D., & Daunizeau, J. (2020). Choosing what we like vs liking what we choose: How choice-induced preference change might actually be instrumental to decision-making. PLOS ONE15(5), e0231081.


Spink, A., Jarosław Barski, Brouwer, A.-M., Riedel, G., & Annesha Sil. (2020). Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the joint 12th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research and 6th Seminar on Behavioral Methods to be held in Krakow, Poland, October 15-18, 2021. 4395655 Bytes.


Batrancourt, B., Lecouturier, K., Ferrand-Verdejo, J., Guillemot, V.,
Azuar, C., Bendetowicz, D., Migliaccio, R., Rametti-Lacroux, A., Dubois, B., & Levy, R. (2019). Exploration Deficits Under Ecological Conditions as a Marker of Apathy in Frontotemporal Dementia. Frontiers in Neurology10


Benzina, N., N’Diaye, K., Pelissolo, A., Mallet, L., & Burguière, E. (2019). A cross-species assessment of behavioral flexibility in compulsive disorders. BioRxiv, 542100.


Blain, B., Schmit, C., Aubry, A., Hausswirth, C., Le Meur, Y., & Pessiglione, M. (2019). Neuro-computational Impact of Physical Training Overload on Economic Decision-Making. Current Biology29(19), 3289-3297.e4.


Marchal, V., Sellers, J., Pélégrini-Issac, M., Galléa, C., Bertasi, E., Valabrègue, R., Lau, B., Leboucher, P., Bardinet, E., Welter, M.-L., & Karachi, C. (2019). Deep brain activation patterns involved in virtual gait without and with a doorway: An fMRI study. PLOS ONE14(10), e0223494.
Oudiette, D., Vinckier, F., Bioud, E., & Pessiglione, M. (2019). A Pavlovian account for paradoxical effects of motivation on controlling response vigour. Scientific Reports9(1), 7607.


Parry, R., Buttelli, O., Riff, J., Sellam, N., Vidailhet, M., Welter, M.-L., & Lalo, E. (2019). “The whole perimeter is difficult”: Parkinson’s disease and the conscious experience of walking in everyday environments. Disability and Rehabilitation41(23), 2784–2791.


Vinckier, F., Rigoux, L., Kurniawan, I. T., Hu, C., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Daunizeau, J., & Pessiglione, M. (2019). Sour grapes and sweet victories: How actions shape preferences. PLOS Computational Biology15(1), e1006499.


Résibois, M., Rotgé, J.-Y., Delaveau, P., Kuppens, P., Mechelen, I. V., Fossati, P., & Verduyn, P. (2018). The impact of self-distancing on emotion explosiveness and accumulation: An fMRI study. PLOS ONE13(11), e0206889.


Cohen, B. S., Provasi, J., Leboucher, P., & Israël, I. (2017). Effects of vestibular disorders on vestibular reflex and imagery. Experimental Brain Research235(7), 2181–2188.


Levy, F., Rautureau, G., & Jouvent, R. (2017). La thérapie par la réalité virtuelle dans la prise en charge des troubles anxieux. L’information psychiatriqueVolume 93(8), 660–663.


Levy, F., Rautureau, G., & Jouvent, R. (2017). Virtual reality therapy in the care management of anxiety disorders. L’Information Psychiatrique93(8), 660–663.


Lopez-Persem, A., Rigoux, L., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Daunizeau, J., & Pessiglione, M. (2017). Choose, rate or squeeze: Comparison of economic value functions elicited by different behavioral tasks. PLOS Computational Biology13(11), e1005848.


Résibois, M., Verduyn, P., Delaveau, P., Rotgé, J.-Y., Kuppens, P., Van Mechelen, I., & Fossati, P. (2017). The neural basis of emotions varies over time: different regions go with onset- and offset-bound processes underlying emotion intensity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience12(8), 1261–1271.


Giannopulu, I., & Watanabe, T. (2016). Give Children Toys Robots to Educate and/or NeuroReeducate: The Example of PEKOPPA. In H. Bleuler, M. Bouri, F. Mondada, D. Pisla, A. Rodic, & P. Helmer (Eds.), New Trends in Medical and Service Robots (pp. 205–215). Springer International Publishing.


Lesimple, B., Dieudonné, B., Campillo-Gimenez, B., Verny, M., & Giannopulu, I. (2016). Time perception in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies. Geriatrie Et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie Du Vieillissement14(2), 213–220.


Lopez-Persem, A., Domenech, P., & Pessiglione, M. (2016). How prior preferences determine decision-making frames and biases in the human brain. ELife5, e20317.


Mertz, L. (2016). Convergence Revolution Comes to Wearables: Multiple Advances are Taking Biosensor Networks to the Next Level in Health Care. IEEE Pulse7(1), 13–17.


Ovando-Tellez, M., Kenett, Y. N., Benedek, M., Bernard, M., Belo, J., Beranger, B., Bieth, T., & Volle, E. (n.d.). Brain connectivity–based prediction of real-life creativity is mediated by semantic memory structure. Science Advances8(5), eabl4294.